Underground Snax

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Underground Snax

Underground Snax

45 Inglis Pl Truro, Nova Scotia (902) 843 7629
Underground Snax Truro is gearing up to celebrate its 2nd anniversary in Downtown Truro! Last week, we had the chance to sit down with their incredible team to discuss the journey leading up to this milestone. Underground Snax opened their doors on March 26th, 2022 and we couldn’t be more proud of this downtown business!
You can find Underground Snax located in 45 Inglis Pl, open six days a week. When you visit, you can expect to meet owners Hailey & Darren and their team of 5. You will also find a huge collection of snacks, candy, drinks & more! Whether craving a nostalgic treat or seeking something new and exciting, Underground Snax is your ultimate destination for all things sweet. During our conversation with the team, they highlighted a pivotal factor in their success: being locally run and having a community mindset. The idea to launch an Underground Snax location in Truro was a no-brainer to Hailey & Darren, once they gained inspiration from a store in Halifax. With Underground Sax already established in Halifax and Newfoundland, Downtown Truro was the ideal location for the next Underground Snax! After a 2 year long process, they finally opened for business in March of 2022.
When you step inside 45 Inglis Pl, you’re greeted with vibrant colours and an impressive array of treats, Among the top-selling products are their pickle kits, inspired by the TikTok trend. These kits allow customers to customize their snacks by adding fun & customizable elements. Another crowd favourite among their regular customers is their extensive selection of energy drinks, with a wide range of flavours and brands from across the world. In September 2023, the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce awarded Underground Snax the “New Small Business Award”.  Our community should note that while Underground Snax has several locations, the Truro store is locally owned & operated. This emphasizes its strong ties to our town as its employees are all based locally & the business operates as a family-run establishment. This allows Underground Snax to make positive impacts on the local economy as well as fostering a deep sense of connection & commitment to our community.
Underground Sanx “New Small Business Award” Presented by the Truro & Colchester CHamber of Commerece.
Pickel Kits from Underground Snax Truro.
Make sure you pop into Underground Snax next time you are in Downtown Truro, you’ll be in for a treat! Don’t forget to follow Underground Snax on Facebook & Instagram.

Listing Details

Discount: Yes
Pets Allowed: Yes
Parking Capacity: 10

Owner Message

Exotic Snax & Drinks 🍬🥤


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45 Inglis Place, Truro, NS, Canada, B2N 4B5

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