NS Adopt-A-Highway


NS Adopt-A-Highway

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Listing Details

Pets Allowed: Yes
Parking Capacity: 10

Owner Message

The Adopt-A-Highway Program started in Nova Scotia in 1992 when the Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia, Lions Clubs of Nova Scotia, and Clean Nova Scotia met with the Department of Transportation and Public Works to answer the following question, “How do we combat litter along Nova Scotia’s highways?” In 1992 the AAH Program was initiated as a pilot project that included only 18 cleanup groups. By 1997, with the help of the Halifax Regional Municipality, the Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program was officially launched. Nova Scotians took to the program and it quickly grew to approximately 100 groups by 1999 and 150 groups by 2001.

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28 Esplanade Street, Suite D, Truro, NS, Canada, B2N 2K3

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